Friday, February 22, 2008

An Ex Pat writes

Found this image of the Isle of Iona on a card in Waterstones today and, after buying several to send to folk, I headed online to buy a framed print.

There are lots of paintings of Iona out there by people like John Lowrie Morrison and the Scottish colourist, Francis Cadell. In fact there are some rather lovely ones about to be exhibited in London next month by Frances Macdonald.

But this painting absolutely captures the light of the island and, in imagining the walk back into the village from the beach at the North End, I can almost feel the sun, the breeze and the air which is so fresh and clean you could chew it. This is exactly the kind of picture which makes this Hammersmith resident a tad homesick...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Wall:E & the Superbowl

Great ad for Wall:E which ran during the Superbowl. The teaser itself is cute but it's really made by the addition of two familiar couch potatoes.